Pollinator Resources

In addition to ongoing projects at The Bee Beacon, these organizations are moving forward toward a better future for pollinators and people alike:


LADY BIRD JOHNSON WILDFLOWER CENTER: comprehensive database of native species for the entire US.

POLLINATOR PARTNERSHIP: extensive information for pollinator conservation.

THE XERCES SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE CONSERVATION: easily shareable educational information and resources.

BUMBLE BEE WATCH: citizen science project tracking the US Bumble Bee population. Add your bumble bee sightings to the list!

USDA Pollinator Syndromes: see what characteristics attract each type of pollinator

USDA Visual Cues: specific ways plants beckon pollinators

Michigan State University: Native Bee Habitat Tips and Instruction. Includes links to several other regional sources

BEE CITY USA: creates partnerships with local government or schools; a Xerces Society Initiative.

Building and Maintaining Bee Hotels: bees need a safe place for their offspring through the winter months.

BeeSuite: comprehensive site for everyone from beekeepers to the bee-curious.

Potential Retailers: Possible places to find native seeds, bareroot plants, or other items for your garden.

Learn Your Land: Dr. Adam Haritan is based in Pennsylvania and puts out excellent content across a wide spectrum of topics.

Invasive Plant Species of the USA: it's important to check this list while planning your landscaping!

Plants poisonous to livestock: if you live near hayfields or grazed fields, research plants toxic to pets/livestock before planting!

Fairfax County, Virginia's Guide to solving Erosion and Drainage Issues: managing water on your property is an important part of rehabilitation.


Geoff & Nadia Lawson, owners of Zaytuna Farm in NSW, Australia, teach permaculture classes to global participants and have projects around the world rehabilitating degraded land.

RESOLVE forges sustainable solutions to critical social, health, and environmental challenges by creating innovative partnerships where they are least likely and most needed.

Andrew Millison is a Senior Instructor at the College of Agriculture at Oregon State University; in addition to teaching OSU courses, he creates a prodigious amount of free content.

A true queen bee, Vandana Shiva punches above her weight class, taking on conglomerates and billionaires alike with her organization, Navdanya.